
Our teachers love learning and pass that love and excitement to the children. We call them facilitators.


the wonderful team of childhood educators.


Lead Facilitator

Nothing brings me greater joy than being surrounded by children eager to explore new knowledge. With over two decades of experience working with young learners, including those facing learning difficulties, I am delighted to collaborate with SOLIDBASE. Together, we aim to make a positive impact on early childhood education in our community.

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Aristotle once said, ‘Educating a mind without educating the heart is no education at all.’ Unfortunately, we seem to have strayed from this perspective. It’s disheartening to witness education reduced to mere numbers, where decimal points in the mark sheet can shape or shatter a student’s future and dreams. This fear of success or failure stifles the natural eagerness to learn.

As an educator in today’s context, I firmly believe that the most valuable gift we can offer a child is to remove the fear from education and cultivate a love for learning. Let’s together revive the joy of curiosity in every child’s educational journey.


Assistant Facilitator

Since childhood, I have found joy in the company of children within my family. I cherish the moments spent singing, dancing, answering their innocent questions, and sharing riddles with them. Through these interactions, a vital realisation dawned on me – the incredible ability of children to imitate every move. This led me to understand the profound truth in the saying, ‘Behaviour is caught, not taught.’

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In my training as a facilitator’s aide at SOLIDBASE, I observed the emphasis placed on this concept, from how we greet children to incorporating magic words like ‘sorry,’ ‘please,’ ‘thank you,’ ‘excuse me,’ and ‘welcome.’ It is invigorating to be part of a team that shares the belief that behaviours are caught and not just taught. I am eager to contribute to SOLIDBASE’s vision in early childhood education and care.


Facilitator's Aide

Observing children learn with the provided materials is a daily source of new insights. It never ceases to amaze me how they generate diverse solutions for a single problem, reinforcing the belief that questions often have multiple correct answers. This valuable life lesson teaches us the richness of varied perspectives in problem-solving.

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I express my gratitude to the facilitator for granting me the opportunity to serve as a facilitator’s aide. I eagerly anticipate continuous learning alongside the children at SOLIDBASE, year after year. The prospect of witnessing their creativity and problem-solving skills is a journey I look forward to with enthusiasm and dedication.


early childhood educators

are passionate, very experienced and extremely dedicated to their roles – many have been with us since it opened in 2020.

We truly value continuity of care and know how important consistency is in a young child’s life – which is why our team is only made of full-time permanent educators. This means that your child will always know and be familiar with every educator in the school!